Finding the right web design lead is not an easy feat, however, once you find them, you want to make sure that you close the sale. For that to happen, a client should be able to understand what they’re getting and what your services entail. This is why creating a website design proposal that establishes the expectations of both the client and the agency is important.
For the client, a web design proposal brings clarity, it voices out their needs and the kind of services that will be involved. For the agency, it sets clients’ expectations as well as clarifies the web design services the agency and the web design & development team will provide.
Whether you’re creating an SEO proposal or a web design proposal, there are certain elements that you should highlight. Also, unlike SEO services, selling web design requires an output that your clients can review and revise. This is another challenge that you have to manage early on through your proposal.
Here are the main elements that you should include in your web design proposal.
1. Introduction
Properly start off with an introduction. This will explain who you are, what it is that you do and the purpose of the proposal. Include details of your company like company name, logo, contact information, your agency’s mission & vision, an overview of the services you provide, and a summary of the problem. Always include your signature at the end.
Be aware that when creating a web design template, the introduction will be the section that you will be customizing most often since your clients will require a different approach, different needs, and concerns, not to mention, you always have to modify the names and contact information of each client. Make sure to showcase your achievements and list down what you can do for the client’s business.
2. The Challenge or Problem To Overcome
After the introduction, comes an overview of the problem. This is where you expound on the issue or challenge that you introduced in the first section. This part doesn’t need to focus on the problems, you can also discuss opportunities or bring awareness to potential threats.
This section of the proposal will help you gain the client’s interest because it shows them that you understand their business, their situation, and you know what they need. The client may be in need of a website, or they might require a new landing page. On the other hand, their website may need an upgrade. One way to gauge the performance of their website is by learning how to do an SEO audit, also known as a website audit. This is the process of evaluating a website’s health and how well it’s performing online. An audit identifies a website’s problems and issues so that you know what to fix. It also presents you with opportunities, giving you insight into what you can gain advantage from.
This is a great sales tool as you can then present your analysis to the client. You can use an SEO audit tool to assist you in this process. Keep in mind that even though an SEO audit report can provide you with information about how to optimize a website, it’s still up to you to come up with the strategy when it comes to redesigning one.
3. Solutions Overview
The solutions overview contains all the services you’re proposing. In addition, the services should also come complete with details and features that the client requires. You can set up a section for each service and provide a brief explanation. Then add in the details to make it clear for both parties what the included services are.
Sample Solutions Overview For Web Design:
Advanced Website Design
- Two Design Concepts for Homepage with up to 1 revision
- Up to 2 Inner Page Mockups with up to 1 revision each
- Additional revisions are subject to review on a case to case basis
- Blog Activation
- Up to 3 Standard Contact Forms (with up to 5 fields)
- Up to 40 Page Transfers (subject to review and scoping)
- HTML and XML Sitemap
- Social Media Icons
- Responsive Web Design
- Website project is completed within approximately 30 to 45 calendar days depending on the complexity of the site design and timeliness of feedback
4. Mockup
Website mock-ups are important in the world of web design because it helps the client visualize how their website will look. As a provider, you will have to present them with a clear view of what they’ll get. This will include elements and widgets that will fill in the blocks in the page. Most designers use Figma, Photoshop, or Adobe XD to design their mock-ups. Note that some companies also need help with the visual design of their brand and logos so you have to also be prepared to provide these services. There are tools you can you to create logos for your clients, however, if you already outsourced web design services, then you don’t have to worry about the design process.
Your partner agency will be the one providing you with the designs, mockups along with the services. Your account manager will be the one coordinating everything so what you need to do is to align what your client needs and then have the agency deliver the services.
One of the perks of working with a digital marketing agency that offers SAAS, like Hubspot or SEOReseller, is that you have access to tools like a proposal builder, CRM, report builder, lead finder, and more. The tools and services are convenient enough to make your whole business process more efficient.
5. Timeline, Process, and Deliverables
This is the section where you will present the client with the process and schedule of the whole web design and development campaign. The client should know what’s happening and when to expect them to be delivered.
The process deliverable entails the key points that will happen from intake up to achieving the final output. It’s important to track deliverables to stay organized and to effectively manage client expectations.
how to create web design proposal
*This section can also be automated if you have a web design proposal generator.
6. Quotation
Next is the pricing section where your clients can see the costs involved in the web design and development project. This is the section where the client more or less finalizes the decision.
Sample Quotation For Web Design Proposal
One tip to make sure that there are no surprises is to settle the budget from the start — during your initial interview with the client. At least have an idea of how much the client is willing to spend on the project as this will save you time and effort that you would’ve spent on modifying the package because it didn’t meet the client’s budget spend.
7. Client Requirements
In the last section of your web design proposal, make sure that you have the client’s requirements. This is the final step that will get them into the close stage.
Having your clients know what you need from them to begin the web design project, is in a way, a sign of commitment that they’re moving forward with you. After this, you both should be ready to sign an SLA.
This section of your web design proposal doesn’t have to be lengthy. Here are some of the main points you should include in your web design client requirements:
- Complete brief of the client’s background and business details.
- Any credentials you might need for their website
- A signed agreement for your web design and development services
Sending Your Web Design Proposal To A Client
You can either pitch the proposal to your client via regular call, video call or you can use email. A CRM like the one in SEOReseller’s dashboard, enables you to create a web design proposal right on the spot and then send it from there too. You don’t have to worry or wonder if they’ve already read the proposal you sent because you will be able to see the status right on the dashboard.
No matter which method you choose, always make sure to follow-up with a call or an email. If you’re doing the follow-up via email, always include the full information of why you’re sending the email and then attach another copy of the web design proposal so that they don’t have to look for the past email you sent.
A great web design proposal will be able to make your client understand their existing problem and see the value of your services. It’s more than just letting them see the services and the cost, it’s about making them understand what your brand is about and that you’re there to help their business grow.
Creating a web design proposal template will make your job easier and a lot faster in the long run. Whether you’re running a digital marketing agency or planning to start a web design business, one of your goals will always be efficiency. Prepare templates, look for tools, and be open to outsourcing web design or digital marketing services if need be. These will help streamline your processes so that you can scale your business effectively.