Throughout the recent Google updates there tends to be reoccurring themes surrounding what is being targeted. This is what I will talk about in today’s blog. To properly “future proof” the SEO of you client’s websites, we’ve focused on these following areas. Take a look at what it really takes to prepare your campaign for the future.
5. How Your Site Appears In The SERPs
Internet users judge sites based on what they see – and so do search engine crawlers. Google has made it possible to make your search results richer, and they now detect photo and video tags and now rank pages containing these types of media. You can now link Google+ for Business profiles to websites, add photo and video thumbnails for rich media files.
4. Page Layout
To get ranked on Google SERPs, and other search engines as well, you need to start with a well laid out web page. Poorly constructed and optimized banners, images and contact forms make it difficult for search engine crawlers to read your site, index and rank it accordingly. Remember that these elements make up the physical appearance of websites, which is the #1 converting element.
3. Webpage Content
Google is becoming smarter when it comes to detecting quality content. Content on your pages must be not replicated at all from another site. Note: Sites that need manufacturers’ descriptions need original product specs. We can rewrite them for you easily.
2. Off Page Optimization
The true nature of this is the viral buzz surrounding your website. A piece of content submitted to your local publisher about the helpfulness of the services you’re promoting is a good example. A social aspect to all things, product or community related, and media placement are all good ways that we help get the word out and rank sites high.
1. Google Activity
The top factor that’s emerging is activity on Google. By this, we mean indexed pages of fresh relevant content being shared with a valid audience. On your website this means complete explanations of products and services, processes explained and human elements easily available. This also means Google+ and schema activity must be in place. The more you’re active, the better you’ll rank.
Google is now able to see your site as a whole, and asses everything from pictures and videos to the way your privacy policy reads. Google now connects your social profile activity to your rankings. This is just the beginning of how search is evolving. Take a look at how our services optimize for maximum exposure.