We’re not even done with January and already there’s big changes afoot! From Google’s core ranking algorithm update, to the rise of Display Ads, here’s our round-up for the biggest digital marketing news of the previous week.


Google and Bing

Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller says webmasters probably won’t notice future Panda updates, and Google Cache switching to HTTPS for Secure Sites.  Also, Google’s competitor – Bing, recently added four new features to its Keyword Planner.

A study by eMarketer projects Display Advertising will surpass Search Advertising in the US in 2016. Search Engine Watch finds this strange, since Ad-Blockers are more popular than ever.


Weekly Roundup - Mobile

New Android features emphasized on location-sensitivity: Search let’s you know what’s happening nearby, while Maps tries to predict where you’re headed. Facebook’s Audience Network, which recently reached $1B in revenue, goes head-to-head with Google’s AdSense as it moves beyond brokering in-app ad inventory to Mobile Web Pages. Also, Microsoft keeping silent about their unconfirmed new purchase, while smartphone users hit $13 Billion in retail sales over the holidays.

That’s it for last week’s news! Subscribe to our blog and stay updated on the latest industry trends.

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