Getting your SEO agency to the seven-digit revenue mark takes more than skills. Trying your luck to do SEO is no longer enough – your success banks on good business acumen, scalable processes, and, most importantly, a client-centric experience.

In this webinar, you’ll learn about the following:

 – How Agencies Can Be Better at What They Do

 – The Seven Habits of Highly Effective SEO Agencies

 – Actionable Steps You Need to Take

Key Takeaways

2:16 – Start by having the right tools. 

14:00 – The secret to achieving success for your SEO agency is adapting and developing essential habits to be effective. 

16:23 – You first need a clear vision of what you want to build and where you want to go. 

17:00 – It should be intentional – leave time in your day for learning sessions. 

18:00 – It’s not about going to networking events; it’s about caring for every client and encounter you have. Start relationships by giving.

19:36 – The person who owns the truth can paint a realistic story and give insights into the decisions. 

21:21 – Determine the value of your solution – how you’re able to perceive what they need and how you’re going to deliver it. 

22:18 – Create a relationship based on trust. If you don’t communicate, there’s no trust anymore. 

25:02 – When you know who they are, you know how you fit with them. You can’t be the best agency for everybody; you have the strength and need to focus on this. 

26:37 – Further reading for your agency growth: The E-Myth by Michael Gerber, The Breakthrough Company by Keith McFarland, and Built to Last by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras.

27:39 – Make these rituals a part of your agency’s daily grind! Download The 7 Rituals of Steady Agency Growth: A Checklist

Q&A – starts at 28:31

1.  Can the next version of the audit tool allow embedding into a site to generate leads? (Ex: ask for name and email to generate the report)

A: We have that already! It’s the website audit widget. You can use that to integrate in any WordPress site, so the leads you get from this will automatically sync into your CRM. 

It’s already there – you’ll find a link to the Help Center and see how to do it. You can call in, and we’ll do a walkthrough with you, or a PM can help you. 

2. I always give a finders fee to anyone who brings me a successful lead, but I provide a range of 5-10% of the first invoice as a fee. Do you have a set recommendation of a referral/finders fee?

A: We even do about 7 to 15 on average. One agency allows their clients, if they’ve been with them for more than six months and refer anybody, they get a reduction on the service for the next month. 

I think if you get a total of five or six (I forgot the exact number), there’s a number that they have to hit for the referrals, and that’s when they get a whole month free. 

What some partners do is for any referral the exact size of whatever they bring in, just give the entire month free. But usually, finders fees here are 7 to 15 percent.

3. Do you have a template for setting SMART goals?

A: Yes. It’s in the checklist for the seven rituals. We also have the rest of the links for stuff you can listen to or read. 

4. How do I convince my team that these tools are helpful? We’re using Google Keep to share notes with our team, and I’m unsure how much better Evernote is.

A: Be the champion of it. Use it for yourself first, and just see how useful it is. If it’s great, you will contaminate everybody. 

A great tool is something great by itself. If you, as a leader, can provide value to them, why would anybody say no to that?

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