European Parliament Votes to Break up Google

Parliamentarians in Europe voted to break up the Internet hold of Google in the region.

The European Parliament said this comes from the “need to prevent online companies from abusing dominant positions.” To prevent such abuse, they are calling on the European Commission to “unbundle search engines from other commercial services.”

The motion was against a monopolistic situation that could damage the European consumer, they said. The EU Parliament statement never mentioned Google directly, but the search engine giant holds more than 90% of the search market in Europe, making it the clear target and biggest loser in this motion.

Obama is “King of the United States”

Ask Google “Who is the King of the United States?” and it will tell you that it’s POTUS Barack Obama.

In what appears to be a glitch with its Answers database, Google pulled the answer from news site, Breitbart, “All Hail King Barack Obama, Emperor of the United States Of America!”

It looks like Google picked up the story and cached it in their database. Several stories about the “glitch” are also helping power the query and answer.

Tumblr Now the Fastest Growing Social Media Platform

In a recent report by the Global Web Index, Tumblr was named the fastest growing social network, beating out Pinterest and Instagram. Tumblr’s active user base grew 120% in the last six months.

Facebook was at the bottom of the list, but continues to be the largest social network. This means we may soon need to put more importance on Tumblr and other emerging social networks if we want to track social signals better.

Keep checking back for the latest search-related news and tips.

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